Moving Parents and Children Together (M-PACT) is a structured programme for children living with parental substance misuse (alcohol or drugs).
M-PACT is a whole family approach, which supports families to understand how parental substance misuse has disrupted their lives.
M-PACT brings together several families, where at least one parent has an alcohol or drug problem and where there is at least one child aged 8 -17 years old.
Following a comprehensive family assessment, the programme runs for 8 consecutive weeks, combining separate group work with children and adults, work with family units and whole group work with all participants
Do you have the skills and experience to be an M-PACT Facilitator?
The training in Northamptonshire will be delivered on 13th, 14th, 15th 16th January 2014, in Northampton
Selected candidates must be available to attend all 4 training dates and 2 post training events (dates TBC)
For further details go to
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