Serenity Sexual Assault Referral Centre wins an award

Serenity Sexual Assault Referral Centre has won an award for Health Improvement for Sexually Abused Children. 

Serenity’s project has seen the introduction of: 

  • A child friendly Forensic Medical Examination suite
  • Comfortable and friendly interview facilities
  • Pathways to health and support services
  • A Paediatric rota for  pre-pubertals
  • A Support Worker for children & young people countywide
  • A Child Therapy Service for children & young people who have experienced sexual abuse/violence

The Child Therapy Service is proving to be very popular; to be referred they must:

1. Be under 18yrs (21 re LAC/disability)

2. Have disclosed sexual abuse or violence;

3. Live in Northamptonshire;

4. Have had a CAF or other comprehensive assessment of need;

 5. Not have severe mental health difficulties;

6. Not be engaged with CAMHS.

Serenity now has a dedicated service that supports children from the crisis point of disclosure to recovery from the devastating effects of abuse. 

For further information please visit the Serenity website http://www.serenitynorthants.co.uk/

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