Northamptonshire Young Healthy Minds Partnership has agreed as part of its First Years of Life initiative to commission Northamptonshire’s Educational Psychology Service to roll out the Northamptonshire Baby Room Project (NBRP) to all Children’s Centres in Northamptonshire.
As some will already know this is an award winning programme developed by colleagues within Northamptonshire. It aims to deepen the knowledge of early year’s practitioners and parents/carers about baby brain development, babies’ personal, social and emotional development and the centrality of their relationships and interactions upon these. It reinforces key messages highlighted by the government regarding babies’ emotional well being and the importance of early intervention.
Its impact has been strongly evidenced by an evaluation study covering a number of recent courses conducted across the county.
Two practitioner courses, one in the north and one in the south of the county will be delivered during the autumn. Opportunity for the co-facilitation of the NBRP parent course for interested Children’s Centres already familiar with the project is also available. Details can be found in the September edition of the Children’s Centre bulletin by clicking on this hyperlink
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