VIG and Theraplay Service - Video Interaction Guidance Training

The VIG and Theraplay service is promoting the delivery of training in Video Interaction Guidance (VIG), within Northamptonshire. The next 2 day training will take place on 19th and 20th November, 9.30am - 4pm each day, at St Andrews Methodist church, Harlestone Rd, Northampton NN5 6AB


  • VIG is an intervention which uses short pieces of video clips to improve communication between  adults and children of all ages
  • VIG is a tool for observing, analysing and changing behaviour
  • VIG is a tool for improving parental sensitivity
  • VIG identifies the positives and focuses on participants strengths
  • VIG heightens awareness of verbal and non-verbal communication
  • VIG builds on an international evidence base regarding adult/child interaction and the use of unconditional positive regard
  • VIG can be used in a range of settings: family, school, clinic, groups, residential and also with a diverse range of additional  needs
  • VIG can be incorporated within the delivery of other services
  • VIG can support a therapeutic process.


The Training is £30 for two days which includes course materials, text book and Refreshments. LUNCH IS NOT PROVIDED


To discuss if this is appropriate for you and/or your work and for an application form, please contact Carole Moore - email   cmoore@northamptonshire.gov.uk 

 Phone 01604 368861


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