December is always a busy month, and for those of you who have not seen the strategy yet, take a look, it covers:
Young Healthy Minds Partnership -Strategy For Northamptonshire's Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health 2014 -2017.
Our emotional wellbeing and mental health strategy puts children, young people and their families at the centre of everything the services deliver, with a greater emphasis on prevention and early intervention. We have followed a natural progression building on 13 years of comprehensive Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) strategies in Northamptonshire. We continue to assert the imperative that mental health is everybody’s business as a central tenet in our approach, continuing to:
Our strategy highlights the vision, blueprint and priorities for the further development of improving positive emotional wellbeing and mental health for the next 3 years built upon a review of the 2005/08 strategy, 2010-13 strategy, a comprehensive needs assessment and service review in the summer of 2013.
Appendices include:
- Needs Assessment Presentation Pack
- Mental disorder and wellbeing information in Northamptonshire and suggested priorities
- October 2013 presentation of service review findings and the vision for recommissioning
- December 2013 presentation of the recommissioning target operating model
- Northamptonshire Young Healthy Minds Partnership (YHMP) Strategic Direction and Commissioning Intentions 2013/14
- Strategic Priorities 2014-17
- Healthwatch Children and Young People Consultation
- 2014 Draft service Specification
- NICE Self Harm Guidance
- Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services (inc.CAMHS) – Northamptonshire 2014
- Recovery College – Centre for Mental Health
- Glossary
As always, if you have any issues, queries or recommendations, please Ask Normen at
View the document at
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