Do you live in Northamptonshire with a teenager aged 12-16 years?
Is this your family?
Other parents don’t seem to have it as tough as you. Your child constantly misbehaves. S/He rarely does what you want. Your family life is full of anger and tears. There’s probably a lot of shouting and your child may even be aggressive – perhaps hitting you, the furniture or his/her brothers and sisters. In fact, everyday – from breakfast to bedtime – is a battle.
Or is this you?
You want to create the happiest home life you can. You may have a few concerns about your child’s behaviour – perhaps there’s disobedience or you simply want to find out how to set up better routines for mealtimes or bedtimes.
If this sounds familiar, then the Teen Triple P Service can help. Triple P gives you support to help you manage your child’s behaviour and prevent the kinds of problems that make your family life stressful. Whatever it is, you’re very keen to learn more about positive parenting and how you can apply it to your family. If you’re ready for a more in-depth look at the parenting strategies that really work, Triple P is ideal.
Triple P can help parents-
• encourage behaviour they like
• deal with problem behaviour
• become confident as a parent
• be realistic about parenting
• take care of themselves
The skills introduced in Teen Triple P fall into five main skills-based strategies:
1. Skills to strengthen positive parent-teenager relationship
2. Skills to encourage desirable behaviour
3. Skills for teaching teenagers new behaviours and skills
4. Skills to manage problem behaviours, including emotional behaviour, and
5. Skills for teaching teenagers how to avoid or deal with high risk situations
Talk to an Education, Health or Social Care professional who can make a referral to our service. They will talk to you more about what to expect.
Referrals can be sent to Daventry Family Centre, Staverton Road, Daventry, NN11 4EY, or e-mailed to:
If further information is needed, please contact the service on 01327-705063, or e-mail
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