Parents of children in Northampton with an autistic spectrum disorder are being asked to take part in a major study that will help autistic children, their parents and professionals to find out what they really need.
The project, which is being supported by a paediatrician at Northampton General Hospital, is called ASD-UK and is funded by Autistica. It is being run through the University of Newcastle.
Already, more than 1,000 families have been recruited in the UK.
Dr Andrew Williams, consultant community paediatrician at Northampton General Hospital, is greatly in favour of the study and strongly encourages families to consider being part of it.
“This is a really really important study,” said Dr Williams.
“It allows autistic children and their families to have a voice in providing information and greater understanding of children with an ASD at all stages of their lives. Should enough families register, then I hope the knowledge gained will over decades positively influence the future of these children and their families.”
ASD-UK study is a questionnaire study and will create an important UK research family database of children with an ASD. The aim of study is to provide accurate data about hildren with an ASD so that professionals and ultimately the Government are getting a true picture, straight from the children with an ASD and their families.
The study will follow the children throughout over many years, starting in childhood and then on into their adulthood.
For details of ASD-UK and registration, visit
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