This year's Umbrella Fair will see the launch of the Straight Allies Campaign from Northampton Borough Council's LGBTQ Forum.
The campaign recognises and celebrates the contribution non-gay friends, family and colleagues make in supporting LGBT equality and challenging homophobia.
The launch on Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th August at Northampton Racecourse will be centred around the FAN Marquee, and will feature live music and spoken word events, large pledge boards where people can ‘come out’ as straight allies and sign up to the campaign and the distribution of the 'Straight Allies' lapel badges. These badges have been designed along the lines of the NSPCC green 'Full Stop' badges - hopefully prompting people to ask what the badge means & thereby initiating a discussion on the topic.
The FAN Marquee will be themed around this campaign which should encourage more people to come and engage as it’s much more in tune with the Umbrella Fair's demographic.
For more information contact
Matthew Toresen
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