The Challenging Behaviour Foundation’s Early Intervention Project has recently produced a resource for family carers in collaboration with the PBS Academy. Please see the information below for details.
New Positive Behavioural Support Resource for families
One of the very early messages from the Early Intervention Project’s focus groups with family carers was that it would be helpful to have more information and training for families in Positive Behavioural Support. Since then, the PBS Academy has been established. We have worked in partnership with the PBS Academy to develop The Positive Behavioural Support Information Pack for Family Carers.
It aims to explain what PBS is, and what it looks like in practice. The resource provides key questions you can ask to check that PBS is being delivered well in the setting you are looking at, as well as guidance on how family carers can find out more. It also includes advice on training and practical resources. We would like to see much more training available to family carers and we will continue to make the case for this.
The introductory document, with links to all the other documents in the resource pack, can be downloaded from the project’s website here.
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