Get Connected Week

Get Connected is a new campaign aimed at helping people feel more connected in their local communities.

Get Connected Week takes place from 18 to 24 April and will see local organisations work together to promote the ways in which people can get connected in their local communities and beyond.

It's a chance for people to find out about all the activities and opportunities already available for them to access where they can have fun, meet new people and just get out and about more.

The aim of the week is to try to make sure that nobody's health and wellbeing suffers due to being lonely or feeling isolated. It's part of NOrthamptonshire County Council's  plan to be a happier and healthier county by the year 2020.

Get Connected Week activities

Events are taking place across the county as part of Get Connected Week, a campaign aimed at tackling social isolation by helping people connect more with their local communities.

Events across the county.

OrganiserEventWhereWhenTimeMore information

Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire

  Get Connected


Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire offices

St Giles Street

18-22 April


10am to      4pm Drop in to learn more about volunteering, talk with experts who are linked in to volunteering opportunities throughout Northampton, and have links to volunteering centres in other parts of the county.

There are over 300 volunteering opportunities within Northampton at the moment, and we are here to help people find their perfect role.

If you're feeling isolated or lonely, volunteering could really be the life line that you need.

Age UK

Computer Ipad/Tablet classes (basic and improvers)

Northampton - Age UK

Tuesdays, Wednesdays,




It’s never too late to get up-to-date with modern technology so come along to our courses and learn new skills. 

Cost: £60.00 for a ten-week term.

Age UK

Bridge Club (beginners and improvers)

Northampton - Age UK


10am to 
12 noon

Come along and enjoy a morning of fun and stimulation at our friendly (non-competitive) club. Cost: £3.00, pay as you go.

Age UK

Tai Chi

Kingsthorpe - Pastures Community Centre


11:30am to 12:30pm

An excellent exercise to develop strength, balance and flexibility. Cost: £28.00 for a six-week term.

Age UK

Keep Fit

Abington -  Abington Community Centre


11am to 
12 noon

An excellent exercise to develop strength, balance and flexibility. Cost: £28.00 for a six-week term.

Age UK

Photography Club

Northampton - Age UK

Last Wednesday of each month

10am to
12 noon

Keep fit sessions with a professional instructor. Cost: £3.00 pay as you go.

Age UK

Harpole Get Set Go

Harpole - Manning Watts House

Every fortnight on a Wednesday

10am to 
12 noon

A lively programme of exercise and activities, led by professional tutors. Cost: £2.00, pay as you go.

Age UK

Art Club

Northampton - Age UK


10am to 
12 noon

Beginners welcome. Cost: £4.50 pay as you go.

Age UK

Hollowell Wellbeing Group

Hollowell - Village Hall


10am to 
12 noon

Stimulating 2-hour programme of exercise, therapies and talks by guest speakers. 
Cost: £50.00 per 10-week term.

Age UK

Tracing Your Family Tree

Northampton - Age UK


1:30pm to 3:30pm

Who do you think you are? What will you find out? Intrigued? Then come along and start your research. Cost £50.00 for a ten-week term.

Age UK


Northampton - Mounts Leisure Centre


10am to 
12 noon

Let the water take the strain. Enjoy a water based exercise routine and swim. Cost: £30.00 per 7-week term.

Age UK

Whist Club
(beginners and improvers)

Northampton - Age UK


10am to 
12 noon

If you’ve always planned to learn to play or improve your whist game, then our club is a great place to start. It is friend, fun and non-competitive. Cost: £3.00 pay as you go.

Age UK

Goldings Get Set Go

Goldcrest Community Centre


1pm to 3pm

A 2-hour programme of discussion, craft making, exercise and games. A highlight of these activities is the monthly Curry and Kurling competition (Wednesday 20th April) Cost: free

Age UK

Weston Favell Friendship Group

Arlbury Road Community Centre


2pm to 4pm

A 2-hour programme of discusson, exercise, quizzes and guest speakers. Cost: £1.00 per week


Oundle Monday Munch Club

Oundle Primary School

18 April
16 May
20 June
11 July

1:45pm to 3pm

This luncheon club offers a hot roast lunch and pudding plus tea/coffee to elderly and disabled residents of Oundle and its surrounding villages.  
To book (by the preceding weds please): call Patricia Bird 01832 275353. 
Cost £4.00


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