

For young people between the ages of 10 and 18 stress appears to be something which is inevitable. It is in particular unavoidable for this age group as this is the age where we first become exposed to exams and the pressure they force upon us. Exams may cause young people all kinds of stress because we are constantly reminded of how importance they are and what could happen if we don’t get the best results. This pressure may cause a mental health need, such as anxiety, because a failure to perform well can lead to a fear of not succeeding in the ‘real world’, what we need is reassurance that while exams are important, one bad grade is not going to be the end of the world.

Those who are recently applying to universities will also experience varying degrees of stress. It seems as if one false word, or one wrong spelling could make the difference between being accepted into university and not being accepted. In terms of UCAS the stress comes from writing so much in what seems to be a short space of time, having to talk about yourself in 4000 characters seems to be the most intimidating thing within the entire process.

Stress may also be caused at home for young people who do not have the working environment they need. There is a stress of coming into school having not done your work because your parents were arguing all night or because you feel as if there is no support at home. I feel that there needs to be a better system in place within schools for young people who do not feel as if they are getting the support which they need at home for various reasons.

Stress impacts us in many ways, a study conducted by ChildLine showed that 94% of young people will feel stressed at some point because of the difficulties they will face in education and in their home life.

Being stressed shouldn’t be something that we hide or are ashamed of - please appreciate the pressure we are placed under… please help us to find ways of dealing with stress.

Useful links

  • Think, feel, behave leaflet Click here to take a look
  • Young Minds website Click here to take a look
  • Ask Normen website Click here to take a look
  • MHSP website Click here to take a look



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