The UKs inaugural infant mental health awareness week which was launched on the 6th June 2016 continues to open up the conversation about the importance of the first 1001 days: conception to age 2 period. Infant mental health has a long standing history in the UK highlighting the importance of attachment and responsive, sensitive caregiving experiences for infant-family relationships beginning in the antenatal period.
Infant mental health challenges us as a society to reflect upon how well we are doing for children and in particular asks what experiences does a baby have being born in the UK.The first 1001 days: conception to age 2 period invites us as a society to improve the life chances of every baby and opens up a window of opportunity for early investment and improved future outcomes for children in the UK.
2017 sees a second national week with the theme of pregnancy - Begin Before Birth.
For more details, please visit the website at
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