On Sunday 24th September, Oundle School are inviting disabled people, their families, carers and organizations who support them to their bi-annual ‘Have a Go’ day. At this event they open their facilities and provide pupil helpers to assist attendees with participating in a variety of activities. This year they hope to be able to offer Indoor Rowing, Swimming, Archery, Golf, Croquet, face-painting, Tennis, Boccia, Yoga, Football, Basketball, Badminton, music and art as well as traction engine rides around their grounds.
In the past this has been a very happy and successful event, and they hope people will be able to attend. The School grounds are open for picnics from 1.30 pm; activities will begin at 2.00 pm and close with refreshments and musical entertainment at 4 pm.
To enable them to plan the event, they would be most grateful if you could indicate your interest by emailing, phoning or completing and returning the reply slip attached below, by the 15th September.
Supporting Documents:
Location Oundle School
Contact Name Liz Dillarstone
Contact Email ca@oundleschool.org.uk
Contact Telephone01832 277267
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