Service Six
Northamptonshire based charity Service Six have been providing life changing and often lifesaving support for children and young people for 40 years since being established in 1979.
Sadly, childhood mental health problems are all too common in the UK. Nearly 1 in 10 children aged between five and sixteen are diagnosed with a mental health issue every year. Many fail to receive the support they need to help them deal with issues such as depression, anxiety and self-harming.
Demand for early intervention BACP accredited therapy and counselling support the charity provides has grown by over 25% during the last 12 to 18 months and each year Service Six provide in the region of 5,000 sessions for local children and young people.
Referrals result from issues such as family issues, bereavement, bullying, CSE, domestic abuse and ill health with referral symptoms including anger, anxiety, depression & low mood, self-harm and suicidal feelings.
The quality of the therapy and counselling provided by Service Six means that 95% of clients achieved their top 3 desired positive outcomes at the end of their sessions.
As well as providing therapy and counselling services the charity also delivers several innovative and award-winning projects that deal with issues such as self-harming, online abuse & grooming. Other projects provide young people with the opportunity to become involved in positive activities such as arts, crafts, sports and volunteering, they organise holiday clubs and provide help for NEETS.
Service Six are also a member of the REACH Collaboration, a partnership between the five youth counselling agencies (CHAT, Service Six, the lowdown, Time2Talk and Youth Works Northamptonshire), who provide professional mental health services to children and young people in the county.
To find out more about the work of Service Six visit watch our video
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