Young Healthwatch Explore PHSE for 13-15 Year Olds

Healthwatch Northamptonshire and Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire are working with young people locally to explore the PHSE offer for 13-15 year olds. Their main aims of this project will be:


·        To find out young people’s views on current PHSE lessons, including content and delivery

·        To identify what young people feel the gaps in PHSE are

·        To identify young people’s ideas to improve current PHSE provision

·        To explore what young people would propose as the delivery model for PHSE


The survey does not identify your school, just the area in Northamptonshire where your school is located.


If you could encourage all students aged 13-15 to complete a survey it would be much appreciated. The students survey can be completed here:https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/yhwnorthants



If you have any questions or want any more information please contact Esther Stimpson –estherstimpson@healthwatchnorthamptonshire.co.ukor 07376 130329

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