Children's Mental Health Week 2023

6th - 12th February is Children's Mental Health Week!

It’s a brilliant way to raise awareness about mental health, and the theme this year is: 


Northamptonshire Healthy Schools Service has created a digital resources booklet, full of ideas to help your children and young people connect with each other, connect with nature and connect with support services when extra help is needed.  Download a copy here: Primary Schools  Secondary Schools

Look out for:
•Talk Out Loud wrist bands (for all pupils in schools across Northamptonshire)  
•Social media campaign (#TalkOutLoud)
Competition Time!
We have also teamed up with local artist, Deborah Jones, and colleagues based in our country parks across Northamptonshire, to bring you an exciting opportunity. All competition details can be found on this poster.  

For further information please contact:

Sara Petty

Tel: 07385 490728

E-mail: healthyschools@northnorthants.gov.uk  

Website: www.asknormen.co.uk

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