Know Yourself, Grow Yourself! Children's Mental Health Week 2025

Children's Mental Health Week is taking place from 3rd February to 9th February 2025.  This year's Place2Be theme is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'.  The campaign this year aims to equip and empower children and young people across the UK to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them.

The Healthy Schools Service has been busy planning - 

  • All schools and home educated families will be receiving an activity pack, containing lots of ideas for the theme.
  • Throughout February, we will be hosting 'Explore and Connect' all-age family fayres across the Northamptonshire libraries. 
  • On 11th February, we have planned an education staff training day with a theme around mental health and emotional-based school avoidance.

Please look out for more information about the campaign, get involved and find us on Facebook and Twitter to share what you are doing to celebrate.


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