Emotional health is about the way we think and feel, and the ability to cope with difficult things in life.
Having good emotional health is not the same thing as being happy all the time. If something happens and we feel low emotionally, getting back on track can sometimes be difficult. Young people passing through adolescence often need particular support. During this time of their lives, they experience huge physical, psychological and behavioural changes as they mature from children to adults. Young people are also developing greater independence and responsibilities, and experiencing changes in the way they think and feel. Many young people have developed positive coping strategies and are generally resilient to these challenges, but some will need additional help to develop resilience and stay emotionally healthy.
The buttons below will direct you through to the Children and Young Peoples pages with lots of information and advice on dealing with their mental health and wellbeing.
Telephone number: 01604 656060
Every child deserves a healthy start, but the pressures of modern life can have as big an impact on the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people as they have on adults.
We are the UK’s leading charity for the 49,000 children living with life-limiting conditions, and their families. We are here to ensure that no child or family is ever left behind when it comes to getting vital care and support.
Hearing the news that your child is going to die young is heart-breaking. Together with everyone who provides care and support to families, we are changing lives, so children and families can get the right support and make the most of every moment together.
Parenting teenagers can be challenging and many parents find it hard to adapt to changes in their child's behaviour as they grow up.
Here you'll find lots of practical advice on how to deal with common teen issues.
The School Nursing Team provides care and assessment for children enrolled in schools. They work in partnership with schools, families, care givers, and other health and social care services to advise, educate, and provide health interventions.
The team is made up of registered nurses with a variety of backgrounds and significant experience. Their carers have a broad skill mix and have gained additional specialist skills and knowledge.
The team is based within schools, so they are accessible to parents and education staff as required.
Please note: the service is available during school term-time only and is a free.
Age range:
5 years - 19 years
Eligibility criteria:
The programme is delivered by qualified health visitors and school nurses, who are supported by nursery nurses, youth workers, staff nurses, and support staff.
If a family is having significant difficulties, for example if your child has a special educational need or disability (SEND), a medical condition, or perhaps there are concerns about the safely of the child, the 0-19 team will ensure the child is safe and getting the services they need.
You don’t need to contact the team to arrange these interventions, the team will contact you.
If a child or young person is not in a school setting, then they are still eligible for school nurse support (or if over 16, not in work or school)
Tel: 0300 1111022 option 4 for more information, or if the young person is aged over 12, they can text a school nurse
for confidential advice and support for any health related issue (07507329600)
ChatHealth Text a school nurse for confidential advice and support for any health related issue (07507329600)
Please note: Young people who’ve left school can still use this service
If a young person wants to speak to the 0-19 team or arrange an appointment (even if they are no longer in school), please contact 0300 1111 022 (option 4).
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